Some sample code can be found here.
List of Topics
~The most important Minecraft Classes~The most important Minecraft Classes... continued
~Overview of Forge (and what it can do for you)
Forge concepts
Some general notes
How Forge starts up your code (@Mod, @SidedProxy, etc)
Registering your classes
Extra methods for vanilla base classes
Block Rendering
How Blocks are rendered
Defining a Block Model JSON file
Texturing the Block Model
Troubleshooting Block Rendering
Mapping IBlockStates to the right block model
Item Rendering
Troubleshooting Item Rendering
~Mining Blocks With Tools
Logic flow of vanilla block mining code
Calculating rate of damage when mining
General Rendering Topics
Using the Tessellator for custom rendering
How Lighting Works
~The Minecraft main game loop
~Processing User Input (Mouse, Keyboard)
~Client-side Class Linkage Map
~Server-side Class Linkage Map
~Client<-->Server communication
Vanilla Client<-->Server Communication
Client<-->Server communication using your own custom messages (SimpleNetworkWrapper)
Thread safety with Network Messages